December 10, 2021 Tornado

The tornado that struck our area was devastating. Homes destroyed and lives lost. We want to say Thank You to the utility workers that work tirelessly to restore power to our neighborhood. It was a monumental task that they met with grace and ease. In an area with no poles left standing, they worked 24/7 to rebuild everything. Power was restored weeks before expected, and with the cold and snow that is now here, everyone is very grateful. So THANK YOU to all the workers who have restored power, gas and water to our neck of the woods.

NESC 2022

Some of the changes coming in 2022:

  • A comprehensive revision of Section 14, Storage Batteries to recognize new battery technologies, applications, and their hazards
  • A new section covering new and emerging electric generation station technologies focusing on photovoltaic (PV) generating stations
  • Consolidation of antenna rules into a single location to clarify the required antenna rules and to treat antennas as equipment consistently throughout the code
  • Clearance rules for guys and guy anchors
  • Strength and loading rules addressing wind maps, ice maps, 60-foot exclusion, etc.
  • Additive constant (k-Factor)

(IEEE Standards Associations, 2021)